I love feedback, comments, collaboration and can’t wait to see what you want to say about my strategies, tactics and ideas.

The comment section of each blog post stays open for a limited period of time after the post’s publication date. After that, comments are closed.

Commenting on Kyle.Social—IT’S ENCOURAGED!  However, my wife is an attorney, and she instructs me to tell you the following:

I welcome thoughtful and civilized discussion, and I reserve the right to edit or delete comments as I desire. 

Some guidelines:

·       Use your first name and email address in the comment form.

·       Please add thoughtful, relevant ideas that expand on the ideas explored in the blog piece— read the entire blog piece before you comment because that is the smart thing to do.

·       Offer useful, constructive criticism; my mama says if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

·       Do not try to hock your business in the comments.

·       Do not include off-topic personal or professional rants.

·       Do not include threats, defamatory remarks, racist comments, or vulgar language.

·       Do not violate copyright or trademark laws.

Don’t contribute spam

If you’d like your comment to appear on Kyle.Social, be respectful of this community and think before you post.

·       All rights reserved: For any comment, I reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark it as spam. I also reserve the right to block any IP address that violates this comment policy from commenting, subscribing, or accessing Kyle.Social.

·       Links: If you must include a link in your comment, please be aware that your comment may not be approved for posting. Be patient. Relevant links that contribute to the conversation need to be approved. Obvious attempts to promote your business, gain backlinks, traffic, or other types of self-promotion are not allowed.

·       Liability: By posting a comment, you agree that your contribution is your own and that you take responsibility for it. You agree to hold Kyle.Social, all post authors, and other commenters harmless.

·       Copyright: If I receive authentic notice that a comment is in violation of anyone’s copyrighted information, the comment will be deleted and the commenter may be blocked from posting comments in the future.

·       Spam: Don’t do it. Any comment deemed as spam will be deleted and marked as spam. If you repeatedly post spam, your IP address may be blacklisted from accessing Kyle.Social.

·       Privacy: You need to provide an authentic, verified email address to post a comment on Kyle.Social and receive comment subscriptions. I will never publish your personal information on the blog. Accordingly, do not share private information within your comment. I will delete phone numbers, email addresses, or any other private or personal information to protect the affected party. This is not the place to exchange contact information with other visitors.

·       Patience: If you follow this comment policy, your comment should be posted. Please be patient while I moderate our conversations to ensure the best experiences for the site visitors.